Saturday, 21 January 2012


DNA CLUB of GSSS SABARI JUNCTION conducted a mangrove trail, Nature study followed by a cleanliness drive at Cuthbert Bay  Beach, Middle Andaman which is a notified wild life Sanctuary on 11.01.2012. This sanctuary is spread over 5.82 on Eastern Coast of Middle Andaman Islands. It is having splendid beach which is used by sea turtles viz. Green sea turtle, Leather back turtle and Olive ridley for nesting.Earlier on reaching the mangrove entry point at Betapur, the Green cadets were divided into five groups.
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Each group was assigned to submit a report of their study after the tour. The topics were decided as:
1)    Biodiversity of mangroves of Curthbert Bay wildlife sanctuary.
2)    Biodiversity of aquatic animals attached to the mangroves of Curthbert Bay wildlife sanctuary
3)      Biodiversity of turtles nesting at Curthbert Bay wildlife sanctuary
4)    Biodiversity of  the tress attached to the sea shores  of  Curthbert Bay wildlife sanctuary
5)    Biodiversity of birds attached to the mangroves of Curthbert Bay wildlife sanctuary
The mangrove trail covered a distance of 1 KM culminating in the beach. The cadets were given information about the biodiversity associated with mangroves and their importance in the eco system.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Our Dream Mission: Sabari School Fencing

Today (26/11/2011) myself and three devoted, like minded and sincere colleagues of mine ( Suman sir, Nimai Sir and Murthy sir) set out to make a dream true for our school.Our mission to give a fence to the poor and dilapidated condition of our school fence. 

Our school resembles a cattle pound more than a temple a learning.We all set out for our mission along with 15 charming and enthusiastic boys  from our school for collecting locally available eco friendly materials for constructing the school fence.9 boys from class XI A and 6 boys from X B converts the dream dreamt by us in reality with their full fledged support and action..

During the whole trip what i noticed that all my three colleagues remains fully motivated and their was no scope of any further motivation to be intruded in them.A jolly jungle trip imprinted in our memory and will be recalled by all of us a sweet one in future.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Greenos in Bird watching


Bird Watching: 22/11/2011

As a part of creating environmental awareness and to understand the importance of our rich biodiversity a “Bird Watching Programme” was organized by the GREENO ECO Club of GSSS SABARI, Middle Andaman for its GREENO ECO CLUB members at Yeretta, Middle Andaman which is famous for its rich forest and Mangroves. The team was lead under the leadership of Shri Bency Joy, GTT In charge of the school DNA Club. All the members were given the opportunity to spot birds in the wild with the help of Binoculars.

Earlier on reaching the site by early morning the Greenos were given tips for spotting birds along with the bird observation record sheet to keep in writing all their observations.
After the bird watching programme a feedback test was conducted in which H Altaf  Hussain of X B bagged the first position. Similarly in quiz competition C Suresh Kumar bagged the first position. Kumar Rahul  Mondal of X B was declared as the best bird watcher of the programme for spotting the highest number of birds in the programme.